Judicial Branch

  1. 3. a list of cases or parties with pending cases/trials
  2. 4. a case regarding an action declared to be a federal crime is a _____ case
  3. 6. a decision used as a guide in settling later, similar cases
  4. 9. rulings suspected of being based on considerations outside the law are judicial _____
  5. 11. order by Supreme Courts to send record of case is a writ of _____
  6. 13. type of opinion written by a disagreeing Justice
  7. 15. “opinion of the court”
  8. 16. the procedure the supreme court uses to certify certain questions in a case
  9. 19. the person who files the suit in a case
  10. 21. type of court used by armed forces
  1. 1. satisfaction of a claim
  2. 2. the transcript of proceeding made in the trial court
  3. 5. courts beneath the Supreme Court are _____ courts
  4. 7. judges limiting the exercise of their own power is judicial _____
  5. 8. an appellate court for armed forces convictions is a Civilian _____
  6. 10. the authority of a court to hear a case
  7. 12. different courts exercising synchronized judicial review is _____ jurisdiction
  8. 14. type of opinion written by a Justice from the majority
  9. 17. a case involving some non-criminal matter is a _____ case
  10. 18. the person against whom the complaint is made
  11. 20. written statements