Juhi Shah Section. #3&4 XW

  1. 3. ____ Clay spoke for the West and was the leader of the War Hawks; he favored a more active role for the central government in establishing the country's growth.
  2. 5. ___ Webster was the most skilled public speaker of his time and thought slavery was not fair and cruel.
  3. 7. The _____ Doctrine was the policy that President James Monroe declared in 1823 that showed that the United States was determined to keep European power out of the West.
  4. 8. ____ is loyalty to one's state or section rather than to the nation all together: Northern, Southern, and Western.
  5. 14. ____twenty-one was when the treaty was secured and we gained Florida.
  6. 15. A settlement on the Apalachicola River known as the ___ Fort which contained about 1,000 African Americans.
  7. 16. Gibbons vs. ____ was another Supreme Court case that upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade.
  8. 17. The ____-Onis Treaty secured trade between the US and Spain for the land of Florida.
  9. 19. The United States successfully challenged European ______, which is direct involvement, in Latin America.
  1. 1. We paid ___ million dollars to gain Florida from Spain.
  2. 2. The policy also warned European nations not to attempt to regain control of the newly independent nations of ____ America.
  3. 4. Spain did not retaliate when Andrew Jackson destroyed the fort because they were too busy fighting ____ in Latin America and could not risk war with the United States.
  4. 6. ___ C. Calhoun spoke for the South,was a firm defender of slavery, and opposed policies that would strengthen the power of the federal government.
  5. 7. ____ vs. Maryland was a Supreme Court case in which the court ruled that states have no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders.
  6. 9. The American ____ was Henry Clay's plan, which was aimed at promoting economic growth and called for high tariffs on imports, which would immensely benefit northern factories.
  7. 10. Americans ___ as Latin American nations won independence.Yay!
  8. 11. Tariffs remained high, and Congress spent a little on ____ improvements, which were for roads, bridges, and canals.
  9. 12. The policy called for the United States to not ____ in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of European nations.
  10. 13. Only the federal government had the power to regulate ____ commerce, or trade between diverse states.
  11. 18. Despite some tensions between different states, the nation enjoyed an "___ of good feelings" after the war.