Juliana Roman

  1. 2. Positively charged ions
  2. 6. Helium is this class of element
  3. 7. AB->A+B
  4. 10. Atoms with a charge (+or-)
  5. 13. The principal that bonded atoms share their outer electrons
  6. 14. Has two oxygen on the reactant side and H2O on the product side
  7. 16. AB+CD->CB+AD
  8. 17. A balenced equations shows equal___on both sides
  9. 19. Shows a substance using symbols for elements
  10. 23. .H.
  11. 24. Name for -> in chemical equation
  12. 25. Lithium is this class of element
  13. 26. A substance that conducts electricity when dissolved in water
  14. 27. Ending materials in a chemical equation
  1. 1. Negatively charged ions
  2. 3. Forms between a metal and a nonmetal
  3. 4. The starting materials in a chemical reaction
  4. 5. The electrons in the outermost principal energy level (last digit of the family #)
  5. 8. A substance that is not conductive
  6. 9. Forms between 2 nonmetals
  7. 11. A+BC->B+AC
  8. 12. 2HO
  9. 15. CO (naming compounds)
  10. 18. A chemical equation that has the same amount of atoms on both sides
  11. 20. A+B->AB
  12. 21. A group of atoms bonded together representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound
  13. 22. A ion made up of 2 or more atoms