Julianna's Make-Up Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. a device used to cover an animals mouth to keep it from biting or barking
  2. 3. a scraped spot or area
  3. 6. a type of coffee made by forcing steam under pressure
  4. 8. a garment worn by Hindu women
  5. 9. an ancient egyptian made of mud and brick
  6. 10. a small teacake
  7. 12. a woman of distinguished courage
  8. 14. a mineral
  1. 1. grave,sober,or mirthless
  2. 4. a person who builds or dresses stone
  3. 5. majority of opinion
  4. 7. acting by stealth
  5. 10. the base of something
  6. 11. communicating between minds
  7. 13. a member of a religious community