Julie still loves spiderman

  1. 2. last planet in the solar system, second ice giant
  2. 3. planet we live on
  3. 4. a ginormous star bigger than the sun
  4. 6. emits typically from a kettle or hot water that sticks to surface
  5. 8. a huge fiery star that heats up the planets
  6. 10. second planet from the sun, orange
  7. 12. a huge hole in space that absorbs nearby entities/items
  8. 13. a collection of stars that form an image visible to the human eye
  9. 14. a sometimes big or small fireball that floats around space and visible during night
  1. 1. water droplets that collect on a cold surface
  2. 5. one of two ice giants and seventh planet in our solar system
  3. 7. Earth's companion and comes out during the night
  4. 8. the explosion of a giant star
  5. 9. floating rocks in space
  6. 11. an ex-planet which was determined to be a dwarf planet