Julius Caesar

  1. 4. City in which the play takes place.
  2. 6. Caesar was responsible for ______’s death.
  3. 7. _____ says that Caesar was ambitious and he is an honorable man.
  4. 10. Julius Caesar wife, she had the dream of Caesar's death
  5. 11. Caesar was killed inside the ______
  6. 13. ______ disputes Calpurnia's interpretation, saying that the dream actually signifies that Romans will all gain lifeblood from the strength of Caesar.
  7. 14. The animal sacrified did not have _____
  8. 15. The animal that was sacrified
  1. 1. When he speaks at Caesar's funeral, he twists the story to show how good Caesar was and how bad Brutus was.
  2. 2. The city in which the play took place
  3. 3. Capulrnia had a ____ in which Caesar was dead.
  4. 5. the first conspirator to stab Caesar.
  5. 6. _____ is upset because Brutus does not share his problems with her
  6. 8. Calpurnia had a dream in which she saw his _____ run with blood like a fountain, while many smiling Romans bathed their hands in the blood.
  7. 9. _____ thinks that Mark Antony should also be killed
  8. 10. He was killed by a lot of conspirators
  9. 12. _____ wrote a message to Caesar to warn him to be wary of Brutus, Casca, and the other conspirators, and he hopes that if his letter gets read, Caesar may yet live