Julius Caesar - Acts 1 & 2

  1. 2. Ally of Caesar, supposed to touch Calphurnia
  2. 3. One of the tribunes angry at commoners
  3. 7. Speaks Greek when asked about Caesar issues
  4. 9. Helped save Caesar from drowning
  5. 10. Wife of Brutus
  6. 11. One of the other tribunes angry at commoners
  1. 1. Does not trust Cassius, due to "lean and hungry" look
  2. 4. Servant of Brutus
  3. 5. Warns Caesar about the Ides of March
  4. 6. Main rival to Caesar in the peoples' minds
  5. 7. Describes meeting a lion during the wonders
  6. 8. First name of Brutus's cousin