july madness

  1. 6. - Small wedding venue
  2. 7. shower - Pre-wedding gift-giving event
  3. 9. - Colorful paper tossed in celebration
  4. 10. - Sets the mood during the celebration
  5. 11. - Asking someone to marry you
  6. 15. - Legal union of two people
  7. 18. - Formal attire for the groom
  8. 20. - Request for a response to an invitation
  9. 21. bells - Symbol of a joyful celebration
  10. 22. old - Traditional item worn by the bride
  11. 23. band - Symbolic ring exchanged during the ceremony
  12. 24. - Celebration of the wedding date
  1. 1. - Adornments for the venue
  2. 2. dress - Attire worn by the bride
  3. 3. - Romantic getaway after the wedding
  4. 4. - Activity during the reception
  5. 5. - Speech given to honor the couple
  6. 7. - A bunch of flowers carried by the bride
  7. 8. - The reason for celebrating
  8. 9. - Traditional celebratory drink
  9. 12. - Formal event where two people get married
  10. 13. - Sweet treat shared with guests
  11. 14. - People invited to the wedding
  12. 16. - Bridal accessory that covers the face
  13. 17. - Promises exchanged during the ceremony
  14. 19. - Symbolic act like lighting a unity candle
  15. 20. - Symbol of eternal love
  16. 23. planner - Professional who organizes the event