June Crossword Challenge: One-Liners from Tea Writers

  1. 1. My ____ for tea continues to grow and I maintain my practice of doing something new each time I visit (China). - Roy Fong (The Great Teas of China)
  2. 3. Tea is literally _______ in history, a history that spans the world Cynthia Gold. (Culinary Tea)
  3. 6. The world of tea is a glorious one, redolent with variety and ________; the self-evident blessings of a naturally conceived product should be the answer to our fear of what is regularly hidden in today's ingredients lists. - Will Battle (World Tea Encyclopedia)
  4. 8. Though the languages we speak, the food we eat, and the clothes we wear may be worlds apart, the ____ of the tea we drink can bridge the oceans that stand between us and let us share in a common experience. Donna Fellman (Tea Here Now)
  5. 10. Tea is a ________ of the world. As a consiousness-altering agent it is mankind's kindliest ally in the vegetable kingdom. - James Norwood Pratt (Tea Lover's Treasury)
  6. 11. Everything known of its (tea's) beginning is so inextricably intertwined with things patently _____ and fabulous, that we can only aguely surmise which is fact and which is fancy. - William Ukers (All About Tea)
  7. 15. Tea changed the role of _____ on the world stage. - Sarah Rose (For All The Tea In China)
  8. 16. The tea plant is native to China's Yunnan province, where it still grows ____. - Kevin Gascoyne (Tea; History, Terroirs, Varieties)
  9. 17. Strangely enough _____ has so far met in the tea-cup. - Okakura Kakuzo (The Book of Tea)
  1. 2. Certainly the _____ uplift from a good cup of tea - and the soothing qualities of any hot beverage - has always been a boon to well-being. - Sebastian Beckwith (A Little Tea Book)
  2. 4. You don't need elaborate or expensive ____ to make intriguing tea beverages at home. Nicole Wilson (The Tea Recipe Book)
  3. 5. True ceremonial tea drinking began with _____ (1141-1215), who came back from China with the precepts of Zen Buddhism, tea seeds and possibly bushes, and the customs and uses of tea he had learned in Chinese Zen temples. - William Scott Wilson (The One Taste of Truth; Zen and the Art of Drinking Tea)
  4. 7. The history of tea intertwines mythology, fact, legend, and cultural folklore. This story starts inside ancient forests and temples, and transitions to a prominent place within modern, _____ commerce through an amazing patchwork of interconnected events. - Brian Keating (How To Make Tea)
  5. 9. Tea offers us contemplation that is so rich and old, if we had eyes to see, time to taste, and a thirst for its _____, we could travel to the ends of the earth and plumb the depths of our hearts. - Becca Stevens (The Way of Tea And Justice)
  6. 12. Anthropologists speculate that prehistoric humans (the species Homo erectus) discovered indigenous tea trees growing wild in the forests of _____. Mary Lou and Robert J. Heiss (The Tea Enthusiast's Handbook)
  7. 13. A good black Yunnan can have lots of _____ yellow gold leaves. - Helen Gustafson (The Agony of the Leaf)
  8. 14. Tea opened up spaces for women to move regardless; political _____ and entrepreneurship are examples. - Peter Keen. (Heroines of Tea)