
  1. 3. a group of people who sit in a criminal or civil court, hear evidence in a court case
  2. 4. everyone has to agree
  3. 5. court hears both criminal and civil cases of a serious nature
  4. 7. occur in the jury room and only when all jurors are present
  5. 8. you are on a list of people from which jurors will be selected
  6. 12. court hears criminal / civil cases limited to the value of $750,000
  1. 1. not allowed to participate
  2. 2. remain alert and open minded
  3. 6. the process where a jury is selected for a specific trial
  4. 9. any further questions
  5. 10. required to attend court on a particular day
  6. 11. guilty or not guilty
  7. 13. a place where people can resolve disputes relating to law