Jury Crossword, by Courtney Goeser

  1. 3. in criminal cases, is the person accused of the crime. In civil matters,
  2. 5. slang term for a hopelessly deadlocked jury in a criminal case, in
  3. 9. its claim, defense (see below), or objection.
  4. 11. planning, plotting or deliberating before doing something.
  5. 15. consent means adoption of something with every voter's approval.
  6. 16. entitled to.
  7. 19. cause standard used in justifying certain police actions
  8. 21. jury. S/he is the head juror.
  9. 22. the judge.
  10. 25. in serious bodily harm
  11. 26. document ordering an individual to testify in court
  12. 27. refers to the responsibility each party to a controversy bears in
  13. 29. means to find a defendant in a criminal case not guilty
  14. 31. the crime of making a knowingly false statement which bears on the
  15. 32. by an impartial grand jury before being tried for a federal criminal offense
  1. 1. of an official proceeding that is required to be testified to under oath.
  2. 2. a paper issued by a court informing a person that a complaint has
  3. 3. refers to a person being tried again for the same offense after
  4. 4. questioning of a witness at a trial or hearing by the
  5. 6. a decision on guilt or innocence cannot be made.
  6. 7. the statement or declaration of a witness under oath or affirmation, usually in court.
  7. 8. grants citizens the right to be
  8. 10. laws prohibiting someone from discussing or advocating something.
  9. 11. is the government's attorney in a criminal case who represents the
  10. 12. is a formal accusation of a felony, issued by a grand jury based
  11. 13. the crime of physically attacking another person which
  12. 14. specific rights that any person who is taken into police custody
  13. 17. a proposed charge, witnesses' testimony and other evidence
  14. 18. is a jury member who acts as the chairman and spokesperson for
  15. 20. acquitted.
  16. 23. the decision of the jury on the factual issues submitted to them
  17. 24. an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment
  18. 28. party who called the witness to testify
  19. 30. filed against her
  20. 32. excess of one year is authorized