Just Mercy

  1. 2. group who determines guilt or innocence in a trial
  2. 6. type of jury who determines if court will prosecute
  3. 12. setting of Just Mercy
  4. 13. the type of court who hears appeals
  5. 15. murder victim
  6. 16. type of case where one sues for loss or damages
  7. 17. number of judges to hear an appeal
  8. 18. legal document of a witness account
  9. 19. type of questioning in court
  10. 20. the accused person in a criminal case
  11. 21. fickled witness for the prosecution in McMillian case
  1. 1. jury verdicts must be ___
  2. 3. nickname for the electric chair in Just Mercy
  3. 4. formal charges to begin criminal prosecution
  4. 5. negotiation made to avoid going to court
  5. 7. states that Bill Hooks is a liar
  6. 8. Giles Corey was one 33 times in court
  7. 9. change of ____
  8. 10. claims he saw McMillian in a low-rider truck
  9. 11. word to describe all evidence to be presented in court
  10. 14. the attorney who represents the state in a criminal case