Justin & Jess sip and solve

  1. 3. brides favorite ice cream flavor
  2. 4. Grooms favorite movie
  3. 8. Grooms favorite ice cream flavor
  4. 9. Grooms nickname
  5. 10. place bride and groom met
  6. 14. brides favorite color
  7. 18. Bride and grooms favorite baseball team
  8. 19. Brides favorite movie
  9. 20. Grooms favorite color
  10. 21. number is siblings bride has
  11. 23. Grooms dream car
  12. 24. the number of years the bride and groom have been together
  13. 26. Grooms favorite season
  14. 27. brides favorite season
  1. 1. Grooms dream dog
  2. 2. Grooms favorite TV show
  3. 5. sport the bride played growing up
  4. 6. high school the groom attended
  5. 7. Brides dream dog
  6. 11. Bride and grooms middle name
  7. 12. High school the bride attended
  8. 13. Brides favorite football team
  9. 15. Grooms favorite football team
  10. 16. food the groom dislikes the most
  11. 17. Brides dream honeymoon
  12. 21. food the bride dislikes the most
  13. 22. grooms work place
  14. 25. Brides dream car