Juvenile Justice Chapter 8&9

  1. 3. A citation by a judge against anyone in court who disrupts the proceedings or does anything to interfere with judicial decrees or pronouncements.
  2. 6. statements are statements usually written by the victims that inform the judge about the impact and consequences of the crime on the victim and their family.
  3. 9. waiver is an action by the criminal court to transfer a direct file or statutory exclusion case from criminal court back to a juvenile court
  4. 10. circumstances: Actions by the juveniles that tend to intensify the seriousness of their acts.
  5. 13. report (known as a presentence investigation report in the adult system) is designed to furnish the judge with background information to aid the judge in making an informed sentencing decision
  6. 14. offenders have a prior record of delinquency or criminal behavior
  7. 15. incapacitation uses the predictive tools and gives longer sentences as a result
  8. 16. instruments can screen for initial institutional classification, security placement and inmate management, early release eligibility, level of supervision while on probation or parole.
  9. 17. hearings are the proceedings to determine whether juveniles should be certified as adults and transferred to criminal courts for more severe penalties
  1. 1. refers to out-of-home placement
  2. 2. circumstances: Factors that lessen the severity of the crime.
  3. 4. are violations of criminal laws that are punishable by terms of imprisonment for 1 year or longer in state or federal prisons
  4. 5. are violations of criminal laws that is punishable by an incarcerative term of less than 1 year in city or country jails
  5. 7. incapacitation is offense-based sentencing like mandatory minimum sentences.
  6. 8. assessments are instruments that measure an offender’s personal/social skills, health and well-being, emotional stability, educational level, vocational strengths and weaknesses, and drug/alcohol dependencies
  7. 11. offenders have no prior record, and it is assumed that this is their first offense
  8. 12. jurisdiction is the power to file charges in either criminal or juvenile courts