Ka Lupe a Kawelo

  1. 3. points to the NCP with Markab
  2. 4. northernmost star in this star line
  3. 6. points to the NCP with Alpheratz
  4. 9. "shark of the heavenly night" a Kauaʻi aliʻi; name for the star Alpheratz
  5. 10. Western name of the star Mōʻīkeha
  6. 11. meaning of Ka Mōʻī, named because Cepheus was this
  7. 12. "to mistake a person for someone else" an Oʻahu aliʻi; name for star Scheat
  8. 13. "Chief frigate bird" name for Cassiopeia
  9. 14. Western name of the star Kūkaniloko
  10. 15. "kite"
  1. 1. meaning of both Koholā & Cetus
  2. 2. Western name of the star Kaikilani
  3. 3. Western name of the star Laʻamaikahiki
  4. 5. "Kū of the misty heavens" war Akua of Kauaʻi, name for Aries
  5. 7. "climbing to the heavens" a Maui aliʻi; name for star Algenib
  6. 8. points to the NCP with Segin
  7. 11. "tentacle of the octopus" a Hawaiʻi island aliʻi; name for star Markab