Kaavya's Application Crossword

  1. 1. The formally nicknamed "Nerk-week" festival at UChicago.
  2. 5. Kaavya joined the Teen Council of the Shedd ________.
  3. 7. The ____ Center where Kaavya is creating a high school program
  4. 8. The law library where Kaavya will study.
  5. 10. Kaavya's intended major at UChicago (abbreviated).
  6. 12. The word Kaavya knows how to say in Tamil.
  7. 14. A class Kaavya is excited to take (in LOCI).
  8. 15. Kaavya recently dissected 26 ____.
  9. 16. Kaavya's intended minor (abbreviated) (Listed as 3rd Academic Discipline).
  10. 17. The South Asian acapella group Kaavya will join (abbreviated).
  1. 2. A frequent word in Kaavya's vocabulary.
  2. 3. Hopefully a Maroon next fall.
  3. 4. Kaavya's role at the 4th Annual Graduate Health Sciences Bioethics Bowl.
  4. 6. Kaavya's hero who went from UCLS to UChicago.
  5. 9. The PI at the lab Kaavya will continue to work at.
  6. 11. Kaavya's major due to a clerical error.
  7. 13. Kaavya's favorite team (and plural color).