kai's narcissist crossword

  1. 5. playlist title: i fucking hate ______
  2. 6. homonym; an antihistamine and bbc actor
  3. 9. whose grave was the first gender neutral bathroom?
  4. 10. top of kai's kinlist
  5. 12. worst one direction member
  6. 14. danger men at ______
  7. 15. kai's backyardigans bias
  8. 17. second best seven deadly sin
  9. 18. kai has a love hate relationship with this stardew valley bachelor
  10. 19. objectively best minecraft youtuber
  11. 20. kai's profile picture for most social medias: ______ edward cullen
  12. 22. eighth grade kai's favorite space rock that is still at the top of his kinlist
  13. 23. band that kai has a superiority complex about discovering in 2016
  14. 24. himbo disney prince that kai unironically loves
  15. 26. kai's #1 filtered tag on tumblr
  16. 27. the canonization of this ship and the subsequent tumblr conspiracy sent kai spiraling back into his middle school obsession
  1. 1. kai wants to drop out and go to ______ university
  2. 2. kai refuses to strip mine at any level except y=___
  3. 3. psychometrics character test #1 match
  4. 4. fictional angel that kai prayed to every night in middle school
  5. 7. kai has almost 350 hours in this game
  6. 8. the ______ conspiracy: the FIRST tumblr secret-good-episode-of-a-queerbait-tv-show conspiracy that kai took part in
  7. 11. 1941 american "tragedy" that kai can't help but laugh at
  8. 13. weakest link of the dream smp
  9. 16. this wouldn't be happening to me if I had my ______
  10. 18. ______, my good little omega
  11. 21. kai's 2nd most listened to song of all time on spotify; discovered through a supernatural amv in 2016
  12. 24. the first name of kai's succulent son who was mercilessly decapitated by his grandfather in the car when kai was in eighth grade
  13. 25. will graham's pronouns