- 1. If NARUTO translates into PCTWVQ then what will ZABUZA translate into?
- 4. 2A2XP, 3C3UP, 5E4RP, ?, 11I6LP (Complete the sequence)
- 6. 1, 3, 10, 21, 64, 129, 356, 777 (find the odd one out)
- 8. your words cut deep, deeper than any blade., It's foolish to fear what we have yet to see and know.(guess the character)
- 9. A rat runs 20 m towards East and turns to right, runs 10 m and turns to right, runs 9 m and again turns to left, runs 5 m and then turns to left, runs 12 m and finally turns to left and runs 6 m. Now, which direction is the rat facing?
- 2. Name the type of Jutsu to which Sharingan belongs to?
- 3. love is not necessary,_____ is the only true necessity. (fill in the blank)
- 5. Vulnerable I may seem, but killing me is unseen. Blood is what I collect, for my ritual to connect. Crazy as it is, it gives me so much bliss. Who am I?
- 7. soyiukimti (unjumble the word)