
  1. 1. If NARUTO translates into PCTWVQ then what will ZABUZA translate into?
  2. 4. 2A2XP, 3C3UP, 5E4RP, ?, 11I6LP (Complete the sequence)
  3. 6. 1, 3, 10, 21, 64, 129, 356, 777 (find the odd one out)
  4. 8. your words cut deep, deeper than any blade., It's foolish to fear what we have yet to see and know.(guess the character)
  5. 9. A rat runs 20 m towards East and turns to right, runs 10 m and turns to right, runs 9 m and again turns to left, runs 5 m and then turns to left, runs 12 m and finally turns to left and runs 6 m. Now, which direction is the rat facing?
  1. 2. Name the type of Jutsu to which Sharingan belongs to?
  2. 3. love is not necessary,_____ is the only true necessity. (fill in the blank)
  3. 5. Vulnerable I may seem, but killing me is unseen. Blood is what I collect, for my ritual to connect. Crazy as it is, it gives me so much bliss. Who am I?
  4. 7. soyiukimti (unjumble the word)