Kali's Bachelorette Party

  1. 2. Who is Kali engaged to?
  2. 4. What is Kali’s mom’s name?
  3. 6. Where did Kali go to do humanitarian work?
  4. 10. What sport did Kali play in high school?
  5. 12. Assistant What is Kali's future career?
  6. 13. Where did Kali grow up?
  7. 15. Where did Kali and Aaron meet?
  8. 16. What is Kali’s dads name?
  9. 17. What TV show makes Kali laugh every time?
  10. 18. What sorority was Kali in during her undergrad?
  1. 1. What breed is Kali’s dog?
  2. 3. Where do Kali’s parents live currently?
  3. 5. What temple did Kali get her endowments out in:
  4. 7. What is Kali’s childs name?
  5. 8. What is Kali’s middle name?
  6. 9. Where did Kali go to school?
  7. 11. What company does Kali swear is the best?
  8. 12. What is Kali’s favorite food group?
  9. 14. Kali would NEVER buy from __ from a store?