Kamala Harris Newsela Article Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. (noun)hatred or unfair treatment toward a person or group without cause or reason.
  2. 5. (verb)to take up or accept easily.
  3. 6. (noun)a dim or unsteady light; flicker.
  4. 7. (adjective)unusual or rare.
  5. 11. (noun)the power or invisible action of a thing or person that causes some kind of effect on another.
  6. 13. (noun)all of those things by which a person or thing is known or is considered as being.
  7. 14. (noun)a right or benefit that is given only to a certain person, group, or social class.
  8. 17. (noun)a goal or purpose that a person works to achieve; aim.
  9. 18. (noun)the condition of being dishonest.
  10. 20. (noun)freedom from outside control.
  11. 22. (verb)to receive from a person who has died; be heir to.
  12. 25. (noun)people whose job is to handle relations with the governments of other countries.
  13. 27. (noun)a strong liking or inclination.
  14. 28. (verb)to explain or make clear by giving examples.
  15. 32. (noun)those having the greatest authority or privilege or highest status.
  16. 33. (noun)a person whose job is to give legal advice and to speak for people in court; lawyer.
  17. 34. (verb)had a high opinion of; respected.
  18. 35. (adjective)having highly ornate or colorful figures of speech.
  19. 36. (noun)a country in south, central Africa.
  1. 1. (noun)the act of developing or bringing to a completed state.
  2. 2. (noun)the act of treating some people unfairly because of prejudice.
  3. 4. (adverb)at evenly spaced points of time; routinely.
  4. 8. (noun)principles or morals considered most important.
  5. 9. (verb)to add details to something; explain more fully (often followed by "on" or "upon").
  6. 10. (noun)cloth made by weaving or knitting.
  7. 12. (adjective)not ruled by another; ruling oneself.
  8. 15. (noun)strength or energy of thought or action.
  9. 16. (noun)(used with a singular verb) the study of how goods and services are produced and distributed.
  10. 19. (noun)a person forced to leave his or her home or country to seek safety or protection.
  11. 21. (noun)the act, process, or result of allowing to enter.
  12. 23. (adjective)in favor of social progress or change.
  13. 24. (noun)a length of fine cloth which, when wrapped around the waist and over the shoulder, is the common dress of many women in India and Pakistan.
  14. 26. (verb)to stimulate or influence (someone to do something) by stirring the emotions.
  15. 29. (noun)a person who has retired from or given up his or her occupation, job, profession, or business.
  16. 30. (verb)to give particular attention to; stress.
  17. 31. (noun)something that one believes, thinks or does that comes from one's family or ethnic background; tradition.
  18. 33. (verb) made plans for; prepared.