LESSON : Kanban and Just-In-Time System

  1. 6. It is what’s known as a lean management process.
  2. 7. Does my inventory management software support JIT inventory management?
  3. 8. The practice of only replacing items once they have been put to use in manufacturing.
  4. 9. A company with the vision to make vehicle orders in the quickest and most efficient way.
  1. 1. Are my suppliers reliable enough to deliver on time, every time? Is my order fulfillment system efficient enough to get orders through on time even when they have to compensate for supply chain delays?
  2. 2. Do I have enough flexibility in my supply chain and manufacturing to adapt to disruptions like supplier disruptions or natural disasters?
  3. 3. He is frequently referred to as the father of JIT PORTFOLIO KANBAN.
  4. 4. It is a holistic method that aims to improve an organization’s ability to deliver by applying the principles of visualization, limiting work in progress, and flow management on a system level.
  5. 5. A review of the fundamental manufacturing building blocks, product design, process design, personnel, and manufacturing process comes first in the JIT process.
  6. 7. It ensures there is continuous improvement throughout the process.