Karen's Bachelorette

  1. 2. inseparable since the 90's
  2. 5. "...She said, "See you later, boy" He wasn't good enough for her She had a pretty face But her head was up in space She needed to come back down to earth..." (song name)
  3. 7. the start of their "talking" phase
  4. 10. trip where Austin first remembers Karen
  5. 11. Where Viktorya and Karen met and you wouldn't know it unless you lived in AZ
  6. 13. What school do Karen, Deborah and Marta have in common
  7. 14. mischief since day one
  1. 1. her addition and her pet
  2. 3. her new name
  3. 4. raised my her sister and adopted by Karen
  4. 6. favorite to go chain
  5. 8. how her parents always saw her as. Their little _______________ (spanish)
  6. 9. Viktorya beats her at this sport
  7. 12. they met in grad school