karson's lord of the flies

  1. 7. to become awake or conscious
  2. 9. variation in circumstances or fortune
  3. 12. in a meddling or offensive manner
  4. 13. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling grotesque: distorted and unnatural in shape or size
  5. 15. back, as with fear or pain
  6. 17. wrap in or as if in strips of cloth induce: cause to act in a specific manner
  7. 19. makelight, rapid and repeated sounds
  8. 20. rapidly
  9. 21. back or move away or backward
  10. 23. acquire a distinct character tumult: a state of commotion and noise and confusion
  11. 24. or adorn
  12. 25. meaningless sounds
  1. 1. mutual accusations foliage: the aggregate of leaves of one or more plants
  2. 2. speech of violent denunciation pall: burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped
  3. 3. or proclaim insistently and noisily
  4. 4. great delight and interest
  5. 5. to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing
  6. 6. or impossible to understand
  7. 8. from the right course or from accepted standards
  8. 10. and sly
  9. 11. carry with difficulty
  10. 14. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements
  11. 16. or slang terms for mentally irregular
  12. 18. bottomless gulf or pit
  13. 22. close attention to