Kate Kudlawiec (Chapter 3 test review)

  1. 2. system that gives each branch of government the power to change or cancel acts
  2. 4. determines whether the actions of the legislative and executive branches are constitutional
  3. 6. arrengements or compacts with leaders
  4. 8. inability to govern effectively due to separation of power
  5. 12. body of 538 people elected from the 50 states of the District of Columbia
  6. 14. legislative branches by way of the presidents power
  7. 16. government gets it authority from the people
  8. 17. involves 3/5,2,3, or 3/4
  1. 1. violate a part of the constitution
  2. 3. principle that the powers and functions of the government are restricted
  3. 5. everyone must obey the law and is never above it
  4. 7. powers of government distributed between national and state government
  5. 9. cancel or revoke a law by a legislative act
  6. 10. group of advisers consisting of the heads of the executive departments
  7. 11. organized group that seeks to win elections
  8. 13. duties of government are divided among 3 branches
  9. 15. the supreme law of the land