Kate Kudlawiec (chapter 4)

  1. 1. a system of spending and taxing
  2. 3. distributed to states in this form
  3. 5. national laws that they believed contradicted or clashed with state interests
  4. 8. included money and other resources
  5. 10. the national government possessed these
  6. 12. power held by national and state government
  7. 14. releasing funds in the form of grants to states
  8. 16. state governments worked together to meet this crisis
  9. 17. article 5 of the constitution
  10. 18. demanded on states to carry put things
  1. 2. both states and national governments are equal
  2. 4. divided grants into groups of nine
  3. 6. historically have been recognized as naturally belonging to governments
  4. 7. started in the 1980s
  5. 9. constitution lists powers granted to the national government
  6. 11. these are not specifically mentioned in the constitution
  7. 13. states had the right to separate themselves
  8. 15. dealt with the contract of america