Kate Quinn

  1. 5. Father of a great many
  2. 7. when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the deciples
  3. 8. "he who wrestles with god"
  4. 9. someone or something in salvation history that foreshadowes something that will happen later in salvation history
  5. 10. someone who inherits another persons land, possesions and titles
  6. 11. jacob worked for him for 7 years
  7. 13. "supplanter"
  8. 14. jacob's 11th son
  9. 16. Abraham and Sarahs son
  10. 17. "men of the renown"
  11. 19. undeserved love
  12. 20. jacob's 1st wife
  1. 1. issacs wife
  2. 2. god promised Abraham that his decendants wold be a great ______
  3. 3. people decended from Abraham
  4. 4. human's attempt to make ourselves like God
  5. 6. welcoming someone into your home with kindness
  6. 12. an evil act that a person commits
  7. 15. jacob's 2nd wife
  8. 18. jacob's youngest son