Kathys 90th

  1. 3. The name of the fortnightly card game the birthday girl plays?
  2. 4. The age the birthday girl was when she arrived in Australia as a 10 pound pom?
  3. 6. The birthday girls favourite alcoholic drink?
  4. 7. The thing the birthday girl does most often in her free-time?
  5. 9. The place the birthday girl went to for Summer Holidays with her family?
  6. 10. The birthday girls favourite board game?
  7. 12. The birthday girls favourite flower?
  8. 16. The number of siblings the birthday girl has?
  9. 18. The birthday girl cannot live without?
  10. 20. The colour of the birthday girls eyes?
  11. 21. The name of the road that most family memories were made where the kids grew up?
  12. 22. The name of the birthday girls last pet?
  13. 24. The name of the birthday girls beloved husband?
  14. 25. The birthday girls favourite ice-cream flavour?
  1. 1. The town the birthday girl grew up in?
  2. 2. The number of countries the birthday girl has lived in?
  3. 5. The sport the birthday girl play?
  4. 7. Where the birthday girl worked most of her life?
  5. 8. The birthday girls second name?
  6. 10. The birthday girls favourite NYE dance?
  7. 11. The location Mr & Mrs Tarleton travelled to on an all expenses paid trip won at Mr Tarletons work?
  8. 13. The country the birthday girl was born?
  9. 14. The birthday girls favourite sport to watch?
  10. 15. The last name of the birthday girls foster family?
  11. 17. The flavour of the birthday girls signature slice?
  12. 19. The brand of car the birthday girl has?
  13. 22. The way the birthday girl like her tea?
  14. 23. The birthday girls childhood nickname?
  15. 26. The number of grandchildren the birthday girl have?