Katy and Jimmy

  1. 5. The city where they got engaged.
  2. 7. Katy's Starbucks order.
  3. 10. Where Katy and Jimmy got ice cream on their first date.
  4. 11. Katy's favorite baseball team.
  5. 14. The sport Jimmy played growing up.
  6. 16. The park Katy worked at in Disney.
  7. 17. Their favorite football team.
  8. 18. Jimmy's favorite movie.
  9. 21. Katy's favorite singer.
  10. 22. College Katy attended.
  11. 24. Jimmy's dream car.
  12. 25. The couple's combined age.
  13. 26. Katy's favorite animal.
  14. 27. Katy's favorite candy.
  1. 1. The month Jimmy proposed.
  2. 2. Jimmy's favorite candy.
  3. 3. Number of countries Katy and Jimmy will visit this summer.
  4. 4. The ship they're going on for their honeymoon.
  5. 6. Jimmy's favorite video game.
  6. 8. Number of times Katy and Jimmy have been to Disney together.
  7. 9. Katy's favorite Disney princess.
  8. 12. The sport Katy played in high school.
  9. 13. Katy's favorite movie.
  10. 15. Jimmy's favorite animal.
  11. 19. College Jimmy attended.
  12. 20. Jimmy's favorite ice cream.
  13. 23. Katy and Jimmy's favorite color.