
  1. 2. Special administrative region of a south asian country
  2. 3. Often referred to as the cause of all social evils.
  3. 4. Worldwide economic organization
  4. 6. Unable to make payments to the creditors
  5. 7. It's vibrant and colorful culture has spread around the world, and the country is now known for its spicy cuisine, festive drinks, and some of the best beach destinations in the world
  6. 9. An act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from collapse.
  7. 11. Peg A policy implemented with an aim to attain a stable exchange rate.
  8. 13. Ford has not asked for_________ and is not interested in a government scarper.
  9. 14. A country holding the fifth rank in the Global innovation index 2021
  10. 15. The birthplace of democracy in the West
  11. 16. Monetary unit of Thailand
  12. 21. A unique economic and political group between European countries
  13. 22. Fourth largest investment bank in US before 2008
  1. 1. An account managed to keep International transactions in check
  2. 5. A group of three organization working together, especially in an administrative or managerial capacity.
  3. 8. A shoot up in housing prices until its collapsed
  4. 10. loans A kind of asset required for real estate of any kind
  5. 12. New York's Financial Hub
  6. 17. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the milestones of taxation.
  7. 18. A force or body of troops kept back from action to reinforce or protect others, or additional to the regular forces and available in an emergency.
  8. 19. Exceeded financial payments over surplus gained
  9. 20. An economic and geographic region consisting of countries using the same currency.