kayla badowski 5th

  1. 2. agencies/ran by businesses
  2. 4. departments/ provides indoor facilities such as community centers and swimming pools
  3. 7. have broad goals of ___developments, good citizenship and group recreational activities
  4. 8. recreation/ this includes health clubs and dancing
  5. 9. ___-____youth activities..... YWCA,CYO,YMCA,YM-YWHA,ISNA
  6. 10. promotes specif values through _____ and leisure activites, including any day camps.
  7. 11. of nonprofit agencies:secular (nonreligious) and ____ based agencies
  1. 1. state parks are chosen for their _______ beauty and recreational potential
  2. 3. parks/ 275 million of visitors a year to the _____ _______, they employ 27,000 full time and temporary employees, including 4,000 park rangers.
  3. 5. youth-serving groups offer highly specialized or high-adventure programs that are require certified,paid professional and recreation activity personnel.
  4. 6. _____accomplish their work with the help of volunteers/nonprofits
  5. 12. can expect to find hiking trails, picnic areas, restrooms, and visitor interpretation features