KC Kids

  1. 3. He is best friends with Quinn.
  2. 6. She has a twin sister.
  3. 8. He loves the beach!
  4. 10. She likes to wear her hair in a puff!
  5. 11. She has a baby brother at home.
  6. 12. She really likes to play tag games.
  7. 13. Her favorite sport to play is basketball.
  8. 15. He has a gray bunny stuffie.
  9. 17. He like transformers and Batman.
  1. 1. She loves you!
  2. 2. He likes to play minecraft.
  3. 4. He wears glasses.
  4. 5. He really likes to tag people.
  5. 6. She loves to dance ballet.
  6. 7. She has orange hair.
  7. 9. He wants to be a football player.
  8. 12. She runs really fast.
  9. 14. She loves red pandas.
  10. 16. He loves donuts!