Keeley & Keaton

  1. 4. Who is the groom's favorite NFL team?
  2. 5. How many years have the bride and groom been together?
  3. 6. The bride's favorite drink
  4. 8. The bride's favorite holiday
  5. 10. What month did the bride and groom get engaged?
  6. 11. Who is older?
  7. 15. The bride and groom's favorite college football team.
  8. 16. The Matron of Honor
  9. 18. The grooms's favorite band
  10. 20. What is the groom's favorite color?
  11. 21. The groom's middle name
  1. 1. What is the bride and groom's dog's name?
  2. 2. The bride's favorite tv show
  3. 3. The Best Man
  4. 6. Who is the bride's favorite NHL team?
  5. 7. The bride and groom's favorite cuisin
  6. 9. Where did the bride and groom go to college?
  7. 12. What kind of dog do the bride and groom have?
  8. 13. What month is the bride's birthday?
  9. 14. Where do the bride and groom want to visit?
  10. 17. What is the bride's favorite season
  11. 19. The groom's favorite hobby