- 2. Lack of Secrecy
- 3. the Habit Interrupt Routine
- 5. Best Finest
- 6. Sureness
- 7. Feedback Communication of dissatisfaction
- 9. Approach Straight Talk
- 13. Considerate
- 15. Partnership
- 17. High Regard
- 20. Elevator State of Mind Platform
- 21. Conveying
- 1. Adapt
- 4. the A Remain at the Top
- 5. Work Synergy
- 6. Teaching
- 8. Responsibility
- 10. is a Gift Reply is a Present
- 11. Feedback Constructive Reply
- 12. Self-restraint
- 14. Aids Employment Help
- 16. Are Claims Grow & Unite as One
- 18. Solace
- 19. Level Quantity of Help