- 5. Kelly's middle name
- 6. The month they met
- 8. David's favourite colour
- 9. Number of wedding dresses Kelly tried on
- 10. The chef of the relationship
- 11. Location of their first date
- 14. Number of stones in Kelly's engagement ring
- 16. Name of the street they live on
- 17. Their first holiday together
- 18. Kelly's favourite colour
- 19. one of Kelly's favourite hobbies
- 20. Name of their cat
- 22. Kelly's favourite artist
- 1. First comedian they saw together
- 2. The football team David supports
- 3. Their favourite takeaway
- 4. David's home town
- 7. David's favourite video game
- 9. Kelly's favourite video game
- 12. David's middle name
- 13. One of Dave's favourite hobbies
- 14. Kelly's profession
- 15. Years they've been together
- 21. Breed of their dog