Kelly's Baby Shower Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Bird that brings babies
  2. 4. What percentage of babies arrive on their due date?
  3. 7. Itsy Bitsy ___
  4. 8. Constellation: Big or Little
  5. 12. First sign of the zodiac
  6. 14. Name of a baby
  7. 15. Baby's nickname
  8. 16. Number of children Kelly wants (for now)
  9. 20. Where the baby sleeps
  10. 25. Name of Kelly's favorite stuffed animal
  11. 27. Harry Potter House that Kelly is
  12. 28. Kelly's preference: Cat or Dog?
  13. 29. School grade that Zach was held back
  14. 32. Number of weeks parents kept pregnancy secret
  15. 34. Kelly's all time favorite pop culture character
  16. 35. Study of the stars, planets, and galaxies
  17. 37. "Life is but a ___"
  18. 38. The biggest star in the sky
  19. 39. Number of states baby travelled to inside Kelly's belly
  20. 40. One Fish, Two Fish, ___ Fish, Blue Fish
  21. 41. Number of houses Zachary has lived in since birth
  22. 44. Name of a baby triplet on "Friends"
  23. 46. One of Kelly's favorite things to do is go to afternoon ___
  24. 47. Physical feature of mom's she hopes baby doesn't inherit
  25. 49. Number of years parents have been together
  26. 50. What street does the Muffin Man live on?
  27. 51. Name of Zachary's favorite childhood movie
  28. 52. Third planet from the Sun
  29. 54. Zachary's favorite adolescent activity
  30. 57. City most of Zachary's family lives
  31. 58. Color of the sunset on Mars
  32. 59. Baby will go through a million of these
  33. 64. Weeks
  34. 66. Age Zachary broke his first bone
  35. 67. Average number of weeks of pregnancy
  36. 68. What sport did Zach play as a kid?
  37. 69. Body part babies are born without
  38. 71. Number of days it takes for the Moon to pass through all its phases
  39. 72. Girls are from Venus, Boys are from ___
  40. 73. Hostess treat Kelly was given on her first birthday
  41. 74. Number of stars that make up the Big Dipper
  42. 75. ___ or Lunar Eclipse
  1. 1. Zodiac sign of baby (if on time)
  2. 3. These rise and fall and are caused by the Moon
  3. 5. Age Kelly was when she got her ears pierced
  4. 6. Baby's middle name
  5. 9. A popular brand of diapers
  6. 10. Zach's zodiac sign
  7. 11. How did Zach get his neck injury?
  8. 13. It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is ___
  9. 17. Zach's main food allergy
  10. 18. Element found on both Earth and the Moon
  11. 19. Kelly's maiden name
  12. 21. Zachary's middle name
  13. 22. The parents' favorite holiday
  14. 23. Kelly's zodiac sign
  15. 24. Which planet has the most moons?
  16. 26. Kelly's favorite pastime
  17. 30. Food Kelly hated before pregnancy and now loves
  18. 31. Parents will never get this again
  19. 33. A star that suddenly increases in brightness due to a catastrophic explosion
  20. 36. Number of pregnancy tests Kelly took to confirm
  21. 38. Age Kelly was when her and Zach met
  22. 39. Twinkle, Twinkle Little ___
  23. 42. Large constellation and named after a Greek hunter
  24. 43. Tooth ___
  25. 44. Kelly's top pregnancy food aversion
  26. 45. Parents' favorite color
  27. 48. Kelly's favorite food that she's not allowed to eat in pregnancy
  28. 53. Job where parents met
  29. 55. What sport did Kelly play as a kid?
  30. 56. First trip the parents took together
  31. 57. Number of months an elephant is pregnant for
  32. 58. It's a ___!
  33. 60. Was baby planned or a surprise?
  34. 61. Planet with the largest ocean
  35. 62. Another name for the Moon
  36. 63. Zachary's favorite childhood author
  37. 65. Name of Kelly's first beloved baby boy cat
  38. 70. Only "craving" Kelly really has in pregnancy