Kelly's Baby Shower

  1. 2. Honeymoon location
  2. 3. Type of diapers they'll use
  3. 6. Their younger 4-pawed baby
  4. 8. Wedding anniversary day in July
  5. 11. Mark's birthplace
  6. 13. Florida state flower
  7. 15. Kelly's middle name
  8. 20. Nursery colors
  9. 21. Most popular weekday to be born
  10. 22. Kelly's favorite color
  11. 24. Mark's MBA graduation date
  12. 25. Kelly is alumni
  13. 26. Kelly has a Masters in
  14. 27. Where they will live
  15. 29. Mark's birthday month
  1. 1. # of babies born in US annually
  2. 4. Baby McD's due date
  3. 5. Body of water closest to their new home
  4. 7. Where Kelly & Mark met
  5. 9. Kelly & Mark's favorite sport
  6. 10. Their older 4-pawed baby
  7. 12. Company Mark works for
  8. 14. Type of provider who'll deliver baby
  9. 16. Baby McD's birthplace
  10. 17. A labor coach
  11. 18. Most popular boy's name
  12. 19. Kelly's birthplace
  13. 20. Mark is alumni
  14. 23. Most popular girl's name
  15. 26. Mark's favorite food
  16. 28. Mark's middle name