Kelsey's Bridal Shower

  1. 3. Kelsey's eye color
  2. 6. Kelsey’s biggest pet peeve is when the toilet paper roll hangs _____
  3. 8. How many siblings do the bride and groom have combined
  4. 9. Make of Kelsey’s first car
  5. 11. Kelsey’s first job was at this hotel
  6. 13. As a child, Kelsey wanted to be this
  7. 15. Spencer's middle name
  8. 16. Opposite of bridesmaids
  9. 21. The month Kelsey and Spencer got engaged
  10. 23. Spencer’s first pet
  11. 24. Kelsey’s favorite food
  12. 26. Kelsey and Spencer both had this type of haircut when they were little
  13. 28. The instrument Kelsey played in the 4th grade
  14. 30. The wedding venue is called The Farm ______ ___ ______
  15. 33. The groom's favorite beer to drink
  16. 34. The bride's new last name
  17. 35. Kelsey and Spencer met on this dating app
  18. 37. Spencer’s childhood stuffed animal was this type of animal
  19. 39. Kelsey and Spencer's first weekend getaway together
  20. 40. State Spencer was born in
  21. 41. Kelsey's Maid of Honor
  22. 43. Spencer’s sister, Rose, is the _____ _______ at the wedding
  23. 44. The first date Kelsey and Spencer went on was at this restaurant (two words)
  1. 1. Spencer serves in this branch of the military
  2. 2. College Kelsey went to
  3. 4. First item that Spencer left at Kelsey’s house (hint: it’s used in the shower)
  4. 5. Spencer was stationed in this European country for two years
  5. 7. Wedding location (town)
  6. 10. Where Kelsey's bachelorette party will be
  7. 12. Spencer’s favorite pizza topping
  8. 14. The number of years Kelsey and Spencer have been together
  9. 17. Sport Spencer played in high school
  10. 18. Spencer’s eye color
  11. 19. Month of Spencer’s birthday
  12. 20. Mother of the Bride
  13. 22. Kelsey’s childhood dogs name
  14. 25. City Spencer and Kelsey live in
  15. 27. Kelsey's middle name
  16. 29. The shape of Kelsey's engagement ring
  17. 31. Kelsey’s zodiac sign
  18. 32. Season the bride was born
  19. 36. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something ______
  20. 37. Spencer’s favorite type of food (abbreviated)
  21. 38. Spencer's best man
  22. 39. The name of Kelsey and Spencer's youngest dog
  23. 42. Sport Kelsey played