Kentlake Falcons Back to School

  1. 5. If an absence is ________________, the work CANNOT be made up.
  2. 7. 1st is a warning, 2nd is removal from class, 3rd office referral. These are examples of what?
  3. 10. Homework is worth this percent.
  4. 11. The category that counts as 75% of your grade.
  5. 12. If you borrow it, __________it.
  6. 14. You must never or always show work for full credit on any assignment.
  7. 15. Which offense for plagiarism results in removal and loss of credit for the class.
  8. 16. Participation and employability is worth this percent.
  9. 17. If your grade is below this percent you are failing.
  10. 18. Homework and test must be done in _______ only.
  11. 19. Be _______. You are expected to be seated and prepared to work when class begins.
  1. 1. This needs to be put on the floor when class begins.
  2. 2. Semester test is worth this many points.
  3. 3. When the teacher is talking, you must _________.
  4. 4. The date in September your syllabus is due
  5. 6. Be ________. Students are expected to be polite and act in a reponsible manner, treating each other and the teacher with dignity.
  6. 7. These are not allowed during class time.
  7. 8. It is suggested that you have one of these.
  8. 9. Mrs. Contreras' favorite movie.
  9. 13. Daily homework is worth how many points.