Kenzie’s Anatomy Chapter 3 Crossword

  1. 1. hair like projections located on surface of some cells
  2. 4. water is transported using endocytosis
  3. 10. type of transport that requires no extra form of energy
  4. 11. required by cells for internal environment to function properly
  5. 13. a hormone created by the pancreas
  6. 14. intake of liquid/food when substance is too large to diffuse
  7. 15. brains of the cell that dictates activities of organelles
  1. 2. first stage of the cell cycle where the most time is spent
  2. 3. incurable fatal genetic disease that causes difficulty breathing and nutritional deficits and diabetes
  3. 5. type of diabetes that results from the body’s failure to produce insulin
  4. 6. slow growing tumor that is generally non life threatening
  5. 7. lipid soluble molecules diffuse through lipid membrane
  6. 8. contains enzymes that clean up intracellular debris and waste
  7. 9. most common form of passive transport that moves a substance of higher concentration to an area of lesser concentration
  8. 12. signs and symptoms include mental regression, dementia and paralysis within first year of life