Kerryn's bridal shower

  1. 5. Connor's favourite Marvel character
  2. 6. Grandma's famous dessert
  3. 7. Month they met
  4. 10. Bride's middle name
  5. 13. Where the couple live
  6. 14. Favourite holiday to celebrate
  7. 16. Connor's age when they met
  8. 17. Kerryn's girl boss crush
  9. 20. Groom's birth month
  10. 23. Bride's name
  11. 25. Name of ring bearer
  12. 27. Bride can't live without this
  13. 28. Instrument the groom plays
  14. 29. Andrew's favourite superhero
  1. 1. Groom's middle name
  2. 2. Kerryn's celebrity crush
  3. 3. Where the bride grew up
  4. 4. First date location
  5. 8. Bride's surname
  6. 9. Name of family pet
  7. 11. Colour of groom's eyes
  8. 12. Kerryn's new surname
  9. 15. The bride is afraid of
  10. 18. Grooms name
  11. 19. Favourite game to play
  12. 21. Where the groom grew up
  13. 22. Nickname the bride and groom use for each other
  14. 24. First date activity
  15. 26. Sport bride played growing up