Kerry's Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Man's best friend.
  2. 4. Dough, sauce, cheese, sometimes has meat and veggies.
  3. 5. Color of the sky
  4. 7. Day Holiday in February that represents love.
  5. 8. Animals that only live in water.
  6. 10. Eight legged species.
  7. 12. Animal that meows.
  8. 13. You listen to this on the radio or television.
  9. 15. Football's championship game.
  10. 16. The tallest animal.
  1. 2. Name of a fruit and color.
  2. 3. The planet we live on.
  3. 4. You write with this.
  4. 5. Transportation vehicle that many people can ride at one time.
  5. 6. The current season.
  6. 9. Animal that oinks.
  7. 10. Season that is hot and means beach time!
  8. 11. The name of this month.
  9. 14. Happens during the winter it is very cold.