- 5. "So", this is a favorite musical artist of Kevin's. Don't take a sledgehammer to yourself trying to think of the name.
- 7. Kevin's son and daughter.
- 10. Kevin has often said he aspired to this out-of-this-world occupation.
- 12. Kevin's mom.
- 13. Kevin writes with this hand, though he plays guitar with the other.
- 15. Local area in which Kevin grew up, similar to a county in the USA.
- 16. Kevin's dad.
- 18. As a teenager, Kevin was in this band with best friend Jamie Reid.
- 19. A favorite soup of Kevin's prepared by his mother.
- 22. A favorite comedy film of Kevin's by an American director.
- 23. Kevin's astrological sign.
- 25. Kevin's birth year.
- 27. Oatmeal dish, fried with onions and cooked in butter or drippings, another favorite of Kevin's.
- 28. Kevin originally went to university to study this.
- 31. Kevin performed as a jumping-ooter at this popular Edinburgh tourist haunt.
- 35. Jessica Capshaw's stepdad would be happy to know that this film is a childhood favorite of Kevin's.
- 37. This popular 1970s male folk artist has a friend in Kevin. Kevin might walk thru fire and rain to see one of his concerts.
- 39. Kevin worked at this distillery when he was about 17.
- 40. Kevin's wife.
- 1. The color of Kevin's eyes.
- 2. Elementary school that Kevin attended.
- 3. Kevin joined this student theatre company. It's home is a neo-gothic church with red doors.
- 4. Kevin was active in this acting venue throughout childhood and still maintains friendships with many of the others he met there.
- 6. Kevin's natural hair color.
- 8. A favorite sport of Kevin's.
- 9. As a teenager, Kevin drew a mural of this superhero on his bedroom wall.
- 11. Kevin studied drama at this university.
- 14. Kevin first went to this university, doing one term, before changing the focus of his major.
- 17. Kevin's middle name.
- 20. Kevin's homeland.
- 21. Favorite book of Kevin’s by J.D. Salinger.
- 24. Kevin's 3 family dogs.
- 26. Kevin's hometown.
- 29. Kevin got the scar between his eyes by falling thru this as a child.
- 30. Neighborhood where Kevin grew up.
- 32. Kevin's birth month and date.
- 33. This John Wayne western, directed by John Ford, is a favorite of Kevin's. In it, a Civil War veteran tries to rescue his niece from an Indian tribe.
- 34. Kevin is over ____ feet tall.
- 36. Kevin's brother.
- 38. Kevin’s favorite cartoon.