Key concepts 8.1-9.3 crossword

  1. 4. The ____ strike was a big railroad strike/boycott across the US.
  2. 6. The _____ missle crisis was when the soviets tried to install missles in _____. The US intervened.
  3. 7. The "____ of gold" was a speech made by William Jennings Bryan in support of silver currency.
  4. 8. The first space satellite launched by the soviets and sparked the Space Race.
  5. 9. US agency in charge of space travel.
  6. 12. The war between the US and the Soviet Union. (2 words)
  7. 13. Truman ________ was the plain to bring aid to Greece and Turkey.
  8. 15. The North Atlantic Treaty Alliances otherwise known as _______.
  9. 17. The US president, Ronald ______, had an acting career before becoming elected.
  10. 18. The scandal that led to Nixon's resignation.
  11. 19. African Americans to enter a white high school in Arkansas.
  1. 1. (2 words) The increase in births from 1946 to 1964.
  2. 2. The ____ ____ (2 words) nine were the first
  3. 3. The ____ rights act of 1965. Made discriminatory things like literacy tests illegal.
  4. 5. The ________ plan was meant to provide economic aid to Europe after the second world war.
  5. 10. The _____ region. Southwest and southeast region that was majorly conservative.
  6. 11. ________ v Board of education. The case that overruled Plessy v Ferguson.
  7. 13. The _____ theory was that if one nation fell to communism many others would follow in suit.
  8. 14. The case that legalized abortion and said it was the womans privacy.
  9. 16. ______ Luther King Jr. is a very famous civil rights activist. You might know him from the quote "