Key terms 2.3

  1. 2. A rechargeable battery used for many mobile phones, laptops, and other electronics.
  2. 3. A circuit board designed to be plugged directly into the motherboard to improve the motherboard’s functionality.
  3. 5. The smallest unit of measurement used to quantify computer data.
  4. 6. Multi-core processing can be described as a single processor unit that has more than one processor (or core) on a single chip.
  5. 10. A short-distance wireless technology used to interconnect a multitude of different devices.
  6. 11. The amount of space occupied by an object.
  1. 1. A common measurement of memory or storage capacity.1 GB is equal to 1,000 megabytes or 1,000,000,000 bytes.
  2. 4. Wireless networking technology providing wireless network access to computers.
  3. 6. Measuring at roughly 9.6” x 9.6” long, it was designed to reduce the overall system cost
  4. 7. A component that can store an electrical charge
  5. 8. The piece of hardware that handles a computer’s instructions from other hardware and software.
  6. 9. An interface used for data transfer with mass storage devices and disk drives in computers.