- 3. An act signed by Barack Obama to give families and small businesses control of their health care
- 5. An NHA certification for a clinical medical assistant
- 7. To make, invent, or arrange in an unplanned or spontaneous manner
- 10. A document or certificate proving a persons qualifications
- 13. A degree granted by a junior college at the end of a two-year college
- 16. Health care environment where services are provided on an out patient basis
- 18. Granting of licenses to practice a profession
- 20. Mastery of a task, the ability or skill to perform a task
- 22. A medical assistant who has successfully completed the AAMA national certification exam
- 24. To be aware/have insight on one's feelings
- 25. To make an action or process easier
- 26. Recognition is granted to an educational program for maintaining standards
- 27. privately owned and managed facility a profit making organization
- 28. Transition stage b/w classroom and employment
- 1. Guarantees something or someone as being true or as represented by or meeting a standard
- 2. Credential awarded for successfully passing the AMT exam
- 4. The classroom to a health care setting through practical hands on experience
- 6. Conformity in fulfilling official requirements
- 8. To act permission statement authorizing the use of copyrighted computer software
- 9. Temperament, character, or personality
- 11. 4-year academic degree conferred by colleges and universities
- 12. The qualities that characterize or distinguish a professional person who conforms to the technical or ethical standards of the profession
- 14. Received once graduated medical program
- 15. Transition from classroom and actual employment
- 17. A range of clinical procedures and activities that are allowed by law for a profession
- 19. An NHA certification for a medical administrative assistant
- 21. Inherent characteristics
- 23. Skill and ease in using the hands