Key Words in Media Studies

  1. 3. suggests that the boundaries between genres are shifting and becoming more permeable
  2. 5. notes that any theme may appear in any genre
  3. 6. argues that genres are cultural categories that surpass the boundaries of media texts
  4. 7. argues that there are distinct video conventions for each musical genre
  5. 9. rick altman argues that genre offers audiences a...
  6. 11. the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text
  7. 12. argues that music videos derive from the songs they set sub-genre a subdivision of a genre
  8. 13. according to this person, genres create order to simplify the mass of available information
  9. 15. placement a practice in which manufacturers of goods gain exposure for their products by paying for them to be featured in a media text
  1. 1. the first stage of the cycle that genres go through according to Metz
  2. 2. a way of categorising a particular media text according to its content and style
  3. 4. a common set of distinguishing features
  4. 8. states that genre is an intertextual concept
  5. 10. a signifier of an existing signifier in an endless chain of signification
  6. 14. argues that pop music has become increasingly backwards looking and referencing the past