
  1. 3. box located on or underneath the desk
  2. 8. one of the two types of monitors that was discussed in class
  3. 10. small pictures used to represent commands
  4. 11. displays the information in visual form
  5. 12. located at the top of the keyboard and used to perform functions such as adjust the brightness
  6. 16. allows the computer to connect to the internet
  7. 17. tranfers the data from the computer to paper
  8. 18. used to select, highlight, and point to items on the screen
  9. 19. located at the right of the keyboard
  10. 22. used to indent paragraphs
  11. 24. types the R, F, V, T, G, and B
  1. 1. the process where the computer runs tests to make sure everything it working properly
  2. 2. types the E, D, and C
  3. 4. types the W, S, and X
  4. 5. types the P, semicolon, and the question mark
  5. 6. manages the computer's memory, processes, and all of its software and hardware
  6. 7. types the I, K, and the comma
  7. 9. a design for a set of character
  8. 13. a system of many work parts working together
  9. 14. The area on the display screen where icons are grouped is often referred to as the desktop.
  10. 15. used to play sound
  11. 20. types the U, J, M, Y, H, and N
  12. 21. the button the thumbs go on
  13. 23. Microsoft's latest operating system released in 2012