Keywords for education & social class

  1. 7. A type of deprivation where you lack basic needs such as adequate diet, housing, clothing, lack of educational resources.
  2. 9. Bernstein: a code typically used by the middle class, abstract language with a wide vocabulary
  3. 10. Woods: daydreaming and mucking about
  4. 13. Bourdieu: a culture or worldview that is associated with a social class or social group
  5. 15. Sugarman: Valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual
  6. 16. Woods: outright rejection of everything the school stands for
  7. 18. Bourdieu a type of capital about knowledge, attitudes, values, language, tastes and abilities of the middle class.
  8. 20. Woods: teacher’s pet
  9. 22. The idea that actions/events/outcomes are already decided and we cannot choose what we do
  10. 23. Sugarman: A belief in fate- that whatever will be, will be and there is nothing you can do to change your status.
  1. 1. market forces of supply and demand impacting education e.g. encouraging competition between schools and choice for parents
  2. 2. Bernstein: a code typically used by the working class, descriptive language with limited vocabulary
  3. 3. Lacey: The process in which pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of two opposite 'poles' or extremes: pro-school or anti-school subcultures
  4. 4. To attach a meaning or definition to a person based on assumptions.
  5. 5. large scale (e.g. educational policy)
  6. 6. factors within schools and the education system e.g. teachers
  7. 8. Separating children into different ability groups or classes.
  8. 11. small scale (e.g. classroom interaction)
  9. 12. education programmes that aim to tackle the problem of cultural deprivation by providing extra resources to schools and communities in deprived areas. They intervene early in the socialisation process to compensate children for the deprivation they experience at home
  10. 14. Bourdieu: a type of violence which is a social force that creates the superiority of one social group over another without any physical violence or threat. Yet, the inferior group accepts this.
  11. 17. factors outside the education system e.g. home life
  12. 19. Woods: Going through the motions and staying out of trouble
  13. 21. The amount by which something is less than what is required or expected