kidney & diabetes

  1. 6. Reabsorbed by active co-transport in PCT
  2. 7. The collecting ducts run through the center of these
  3. 8. The ascending limb is described as this to water
  4. 9. Numerous in the descending limb of Loop of Henle
  5. 10. The function of the collecting ducts
  6. 13. Smaller arteriole leaving Bowman's Capsule
  7. 14. The main excretory substance
  1. 1. Cell holding the glomerular capillaries
  2. 2. Form a brush border lining the Proximal Tubule
  3. 3. Function of the distal tubule
  4. 4. Process occuring in the Renal Corpusle
  5. 5. NaCl enters tissue at lower ascending limb by this
  6. 11. Has and increasing concentration of NaCl
  7. 12. Hormone that controls osmolarity of the blood