
  1. 4. cereal,for example
  2. 5. a type of emotion
  3. 7. where kids learn
  4. 9. an ice cream flavor
  5. 10. TV
  6. 11. what kids play with
  7. 13. kids have to do this
  8. 15. what kids do at school
  9. 17. hide and seek,tag,tug of war e.t.c.
  1. 1. almost every kid has a _______
  2. 2. gifts
  3. 3. type of sandwich (3 wrds)
  4. 6. kids are out of _______
  5. 8. learn at home
  6. 11. where kids go if they are bad (2 wrds)
  7. 12. family and _______
  8. 14. _____ out loud
  9. 16. bart,eve,kyla e.t.c.